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当前位置:家教网首页 > 乌鲁木齐家教网 > 外语学习 > 双语阅读:肯德基推出能舔的炸鸡味指甲油


【来源:易教网 更新时间:2018-01-02

If you can't seem to kick that awful nail-biting habit, you might as well get some flavor out of it with KFC's new chicken-flavored edible nail polish. It comes in two different flavors – "Original" (beige), and "Hot &Spicy" (red), and is quite literally "Finger Lickin' Good"!


The product was developed by marketing firm Ogilvy &Mather for KFC Hong Kong, in collaboration with the company that provides KFC's blend of herbs and spices. "Yes, it's actually a real thing," confirmed Ogilvy &Mather employee Anna Mugglestone. "It takes like chicken. It's crazy."

这款指甲油是奥美广告公司联合肯德基酱汁调料供应商为香港肯德基推出的新产品。奥美广告公司员工安娜 马格尔斯通证实了这一消息,“是的,真的有这种指甲油。味道和鸡肉很像。挺疯狂的主意。”

Each "flavor" of nail polish comes packaged in a "designer bottle and box" (no bucket, sadly). Customers can paint their nails with the product and proceed to lick their fingertips "again and again and again," to enjoy the flavors of KFC anytime, anywhere. And if you're worried about safety, the chain claims that the product is "sourced from natural ingredients".


"The recipe for our edible nail polish is unique and was specifically designed to hold the flavor, but to also dry with a glossy coat similar to normal nail polish," said Ogilvy &Mather creative director John Koay. "This campaign is designed to be intriguing and fun to increase excitement around the KFC brand in Hong Kong."

奥美创意总监约翰 郭说:“我们的可食用指甲油配方独特,是专门为保留鸡肉味道设计的,但干了之后也会像普通指甲油一样形成一层光滑的膜。我们旨在策划一场新奇有趣的推广活动,增加香港肯德基品牌带给人的兴奋体验。”

Not everyone is impressed with the idea, though, going by the comments on social media following the product announcement. "Just when you thought KFC couldn't possibly come up with something more disgusting than the Double Down Dog," a Twitter user wrote.


"That is so disgusting," wrote another, in response to the company's promotional music video on YouTube. "Bet it will lead to an outbreak of something. There is so much nastiness on people's hands, esp the nails! People do not wash their hands as often as they should."



beige: 浅褐色,米黄色

glossy: 光亮的,光滑的

intriguing: 有趣的;迷人的