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【作者:唐教员,编号62 更新时间:2014-11-10


新疆乌鲁木齐市第63中学 唐恩众


1.逗号用来连接并列分句,用在并列连词and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet等之前。如果独立分句之间没有并列连词,要用分号。例如:

   He wanted to go on, but other people

The young man tried, yet he failed to convince her.

She didn't come, so I went there alone.

The child hid behind his mother's skirt, for he was afraid of the dog.

   I never saw her again, nor I regret it.

2.如果句中出现for example, that is, besides, also, still, instead, thus, moreover,
otherwise, therefore, however, nevertheless, hence, unfortunately等词组或连接副词时,之前用分号或句号,之后用逗号。例如:

   He was busy; therefore, he couldn't

We must hurry up; otherwise, we will miss the bus.

He promised to come to the meeting; however, he didn't appear.

Our monitor didn't hear the report; therefore, he didn't know what new
decisions were made.

   She believed he had the talent to succeed.Unfortunately, he was lazy.


No pain, no gains.

We’re tired, thirsty and hungry.

   It was her money, not her charm or
personality, that first attracted him.

The children sang, danced, jumped and chased each other.

I spent yesterday playing basketball, drinking beer, and telling

The more old he is, the more wise he becomes.

   We all agreed that she was beautiful,that she was intelligent, and that she was ambitious.


He never said she would come, did he?

Things were not as you imagined, were they?

John didn’t take it, did he?

Which do you like better, apples or bananas?


   This is the lab where students listen
to tapes and see films.

   Her father, who is a famous scholar,
teaches English.

   Up to now, he has written ten stories,
three of which are about country life.

   He is from the south, as we can know from
his accent.

   Zhang Hua has been to Paris more than ten
times, which I don’t believe.

Mr. Li, the new CEO of the company, will soon announce his plans for


He wants us, you and me, to go to his place tomorrow.

You may, if you like, raise some bird.

The machines you have supplied us with, I'm glad to tell you, work very

"Tell me." he said, "What did you think of the

Oh, what a nice little girl she is!

  It is, Sir, not my fault. 

Many interesting places in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace and Temple
of Heaven, attract thousands of visitors daily.


With his heart beating fast, he slowed down.

With the work finished, he could go home.

With the weather so hot, they went in to have a rest.

His wife came down the stairs, with a book in her hand.

The students stood in line, with the national flag being raised.

These children can set their hearts at ease, with everything well-arranged
by their parents.


His mother being ill, he had to stay home to look after her.

The meeting being over, our headmaster soon left the meeting-room.

All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs.

  The river having risen in the
night, the crossing was impossible.

We to care for the children, you are able to be carefree away from home.

Our English teacher came into the classroom, papers in hand.


   The girl, on waking up, found the
woman had gone.

Fortunately, he was not drowned and was saved by the PLA men.

Like the best stories, this one may yet have a happy ending.

My father had, surprisingly, kept his temper all day.

were, believe it or not, in love with each other.


If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time.

   As they say, if there’s no pain, there’s no glory.

  Where there is life, there’s hope.

   He must be tired, for he went to bed early.

   Young as she is, she has seen much of the world.

   In order that everybody should hear him, he spoke loudly.
   She left early, so that he caught the train.


To be sure, she is the best student in the class.

Funny, he pretends to know what he doesn’t know.

Generally speaking, it is worth reading.

Briefly, there are too many people and too little food.

   To make a long story short, she lost the

Even more important, pay close attention to where you are and where
you're going.


With your help, I am sure to succeed.

   Now, for the benefit of any male readers,
let me explain something.

Seeing a car coming, they stepped aside.

The old scientist died all of a sudden, leaving the project unfinished,

Given another chance, I’ll do it much better.

Dressed in white, she suddenly appeared.


Sad and tired, she slept the whole day.

He finally came back, safe and sound.

Moving and true to life, this TV series moved thousands of audiences
into tears.

The boy, silent, stood at the door.

 He bought a set of furniture,
simple and beautiful,


As a result, the discussion was put off until the following week.

Above all, through his simple and straightforward style, he has educated
and informed his readers.


   The lion is the symbol of courage; the
lamb, of meekness.

   George was the hard worker, John, the lazy


Word came that China launched its first manned spaceship on Oct. 15,

address is 2025 M
Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20036.

David Smith, Ph.D. never told us why you were late for the last meeting.

   The apple tastes very nice. Could I have
another apple, Sir?

   Can you show me Mr. Jeffery’s office,

   June 2000 is one of the most meaningful of
my life. 


We all love peace, peace all over the world.

Zoos are so much fun, fun for the animals of course.

Applause of cheerful roars and howls fill the zoo with hope, hope to see
a brighter tomorrow.

名词性从句,尤其是由that, what, where, when, if等引导的宾语从句,前后一般不用逗号。有时为了避免误解等,则要在句子中加上逗号。例如:

   That she knew where the money was, was news
to me. 




